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What is Muscle Activation Technique (MAT)?MAT® is a step-by-step individualized process to find the neuromuscular inhibitions of specific joint motions. A certified MAT® Specialist is trained to identify asymmetries in the muscular system and restore the function of those muscles.
What can MAT do for me?ROM (range of motion) determines which muscles may be inhibited. When ROM is limited and muscles are ‘tight,’ it is a sign of muscular related weakness. MAT® uses ROM to predict what muscles are potentially weak. Over time, the muscular system creates different levels of tightness around joints. It tries to minimize the body’s risk of injury. This is called ‘compensation.’ Your body compensates to achieve motion. For example, when you squat down to pick something off the floor, you may notice a sharp pain in your back. This is an indication that the muscles or joints along the pelvis or back are tight – they are pulling down on a nerve or causing inflammation. You then feel the pain. In reality, back pain is a symptom of compensation. But the true problem may be weak hip flexors or abdominals. The body compensated because the hip flexors are weak. Therefore, the muscles along the spine tighten down and cause pain. That tightness then reduces your ability to move efficiently. Your solution?: Muscle Activation Techniques®.
What about strength training, stretching, or even yoga – can’t these correct weakened muscles?The answer is – maybe. If you have muscles that have been weakened due to prolonged stress or sudden trauma, then moving them into a position of vulnerability (contraction) may result in other muscles taking over or compensating. This leads to the weak muscles staying weak and the strong muscles getting stronger. This can lead to joint deterioration and chronic problems like tendonitis and arthritis due to imbalanced forces acting on the joint. The best course of action is to properly assess which specific motions are limited and which muscles are weakened and then to take a course of action to improve your muscle function. MAT can tell you which muscles are weak, and then give you the tools to improve these weaknesses, so that you can get back to participating in the sports/activities that you enjoy from a position of strength.
How do I determine for myself which muscles are creating the tightness, discomfort or loss of physical performance in my body?Buy visiting a qualified MAT Specialist at Activate PT and have him do a thorough assessment. A MAT Specialist is highly skilled and trained with over 300 individual muscle tests to determine not only which muscles may be weakened, but also which specific fibers of these muscles needs activation. Make your appointment today to start the journey to a better you!
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